A Letter to My Clients During the Covid-19 Pandemic

A Letter to My Clients During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Hello friends,

I have been thinking about all of you. I know that anxiety and fear are rampant, and I want you to remember some things from my classes during this time of uncertainty:

  1. Find Your Breath. You may not feel a lot of control right now, but you can Find Your Breath. 3 breaths. In through your nose, out through your mouth. Nice and long. Make sure your shoulders are down, let your fingers go soft, and 3 breaths. 3 breaths can reset the brain. We all need a reset right now.

  2. Remember Your Slinky. Flexibility is key right now. And if you are a parent, you are already a pro at this! We will need to be flexible in small ways - like not being able to buy the dried organic garbanzo beans we usually do (true story) to big changes like shifting work, finances, celebrations and so much more.

  3. It’s a mental game. Right now, I know we are all wondering, how long will I be confined to my home? How long until we can have playdates? When will my child go back to daycare or school? It’s easy to tell yourself the suffering story. So easy. Try to focus on just planning and getting through the next hour, the time until lunch, or the next bedtime, whatever chunk is comfortable for you. One foot in front of the other. Just focus on what you are experiencing right now, not what you might be experiencing tomorrow, 10 days from now or 3 months from now.

  4. Focus on what you are getting/have, not what you are losing. I had a client whose first baby was born in a birth center and she had a wonderful experience. Before her second child was born, she was diagnosed with a condition that made her next pregnancy high risk. Because of this, her next birth would take place in a hospital, with a high risk OB. For a long time her internal story was focused on everything her birth was not going to be. We worked to re-frame the story and focus on what she did have control over and what she was getting. She had a great second birth. Right now, you may need to re-frame your perspective. I get to spend time with my family. I am safe. I get to spend more time making meals (or insert what this time is allowing).

  5. Give yourself permission to mourn. We are all losing and missing things right now. Celebrations, plans, friends. I miss my friend dates fiercely right now. It is totally okay to be grateful for what you do have, and mourn what you don’t or are missing. You value life, and the life you are used to living and creating. Losing pieces of that are going to create grief. Throwback to, you can have a healthy mom and baby, and still mourn the birth you didn’t have.

  6. Find a Mantra.

    The universe will provide.

    I am safe and my family is safe.

    I am learning and growing in this journey.

    I can do hard things.

    I welcome the gifts and opportunities this journey will provide.

    I honor all my feelings.

    This too shall pass.

    And repeat it while finding your breath until your anxiety subsides a bit. Make little cards with your mantra(s) and hang by your mirror.

  7. Spend time in Nature. The seasons change, so does life. Wherever you are now, watching changes in the season and in the outdoor world will bring perspective. I think it’s such a gift this is happening during the beginning of a gorgeous spring. Walk, hike, plant, dig, bike, run. Doing this has been balm for my soul.

  8. Communicate with Your Partner, and yourself. What is working for you/what do you like about your partner or what they are doing right now? And what would you like your partner to do/change to make this time better? And this time, your partner gets to ask you, too! As yourself, what am I doing right now that is working for me/that I like? What is something I could do differently or change to make this time better?

  9. Know your Resources and Connect. There are so many resources right now, it’s actually overwhelming. From activities to do with kids, to financial assistance, to Facebook groups, there’s something for everyone. As always, I will use my newsletter and the closed Naturally Prepared Facebook group to share with you what I am finding helpful and to help you all connect with one another. I encourage you to text 3 friends each day just asking, how are you doing? This is a really powerful time that we are all experiencing TOGETHER, even though we are apart.

  10. I am here for you. Do not hesitate to connect with me. I love hearing from you and seeing family pics. Sending you lots of love!

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